Why wait till New Years?

Why wait till New Years?
Photo by Dmitrii Shirnin / Unsplash

Hello friends,

Fuck Procrastination, right?

It's the thing we always blame when we are too lazy to start. Or when the work we want to start is in some kind of way very challenging, triggering, exhausting, boring, or just something we hate to do. Our brains don't like to work hard.

But do you know what our brain loves?

To dream hard. Thinking about how we can achieve something and win. Dreaming about our dream job and bodies, and how we are travelling the world without a worry in mind. (Just by writing this down, I want to travel again myself.)

However, we often get sucked back into reality when we look into the bathroom mirror on a monday morning, thinking to ourselves: Welp, another week. Here we go.

We live in a routine, rarely allowing ourselves to think about our goals and dreams. Or maybe we are even too exhausted to truly think about them.

Things change around the end of the year. It's always this one uncle or friend who will come up to you and ask, "What are your New Year's resolutions?"

I hate this question. Here is why.

If a goal is important, why wait till New Year?

See, the intention behind New Year's resolutions are great: Let's take the time to achieve a goal in our life. Nice!

But there is only one problem with it.

Why are we waiting?

Why would we postpone it to a specific date?

I'll tell you.

Remember procrastination? He is a little sneaky dude.

Postponing pain towards a date in the future is always easy. However, doing the hard work right now is the hard part.

Procrastination will do anything to keep work away, even sacrificing your future self.

And it will forever do so. It has only one thing that can stop it from fucking up your plans.


You need to figure out the "why" behind a goal, and if it's really something you want.

Since goals are always time-consuming, and often require a lot of effort, you need to clearly ask yourself some important questions. If you have a goal in mind at the moment, you can even follow along and write the questions down for this specific goal.

"My dream is (Insert dream here)".

  • Is this dream important to me?
  • Why is this dream important to me?
  • What is the goal behind my dream?
  • Do I feel like I can achieve this goal?
  • How will I feel after achieving this goal?
  • How would I feel if I'd fail achieving this goal?
  • If I fail, will I start again?
  • Will I be kind to myself, even if I'd fail?
  • Who is going to hold me accountable to follow your dream?
  • What will I do to ensure I make my dream come true?
  • Where will I track my daily progress?
  • Who will support me on the way towards my dream?

The answers might change over time while you are trying to achieve your goals, and that's totally OK. This is about creating a baseline. After answering all the questions above, you can proceed to the next question:

  • Is this dream worth it?

If you answer this question with yes, you'll now come to the phase where you will define the details of your dream. What will you do to achieve it exactly, when will you start, what is the smallest thing you can do today to start your dream etc. This will be the beginning of an epic journey.

If you answered no, you have just filtered out a "time-waster". Congratulations!

You can repeat this process over and over again to figure out if a dream is worth chasing. By answering this questions for yourself, and writing them down somewhere, you'll also give Procrastination less play time.

Me training for the military was filled with purpose, because I am doing it for myself, to challenge myself and to learn from the best (since I'm doing a very difficult function). I have hardly ever skipped a training, because there is meaning behind this decision.

Me doing a certificate in IT Security seemed like a great choice back then to earn more money. However, I figured out that I don't really see myself doing it in the future. My motivation for learning for this certification is at a low at the moment.

And guess what? Both of those outcomes are important life lessons. Life is not super easy to manage, but by trial and error you'll figure out what is important for you. Like this, you can follow great goals.

Great goals lead to great life's.

Whatever a great life means for you, is defined by the goals you follow.

It's time to start. You know it. Take the questions and filter through your goals to figure out what is truly important, and what has been a baggage all along.

Make your life great. You deserve it.

My Song of the week

Told you so by Martin Garrix. Beautiful.

Thank you so much for reading today's blog post. I wish you an amazing week, and a great start in 2025!

Much Love,
