The "Why" behind the "Do"

The "Why" behind the "Do"
Photo by Marcela Laskoski / Unsplash

Hello friends

I finally have reclaimed some time again after my IT-finals, but I got sick, so no new YouTube videos yet. However, enjoy this new blog post!

Do you love your life?

Some people do, and they aren't some lucky ones who just "don't understand the struggle" or "are some hippies" or "eat light and love" for breakfast.

Those people understood something very important in life.

We can choose a lot of things. In fact, you just made a lot of decisions that brought you here: Are you reading this blog post on your phone? Your laptop? Your PC? Are you listening to music while reading this? Or are you taking a dump while reading this?

You once made the decision to buy that device that you are reading this on. You once decided to buy a router or the mobile subscription to be able to get internet access. You once decided that it might be a cool idea to read about how to improve your own life.

All those minor and major decisions make up the situation you are in.

And every decision that you make creates opportunities, and takes opportunities away. The fact that you are reading this blog here, doesn't mean that you can do something at the same time actively (but passively, like listening to music for example).

The point being: Every decision you make uses your time, but only the great ones really cherish your time.

The core question now is: What is a great decision?

A great decision is a decision that makes your time investment worth it. Going to bed early can be a great decision, and gaming all night long can be a shit decision. Or vice versa: It's always about the context. If you are not tired at all, going to bed early could screw up your sleeping schedule, and gaming all night long is maybe a coping mechanism after a breakup, if you can't bear feeling all the pain that comes with it immediately.

So great decisions = Great lives?

Close enough, but not entirely true.

You can make a lot of great decisions that bring you money, status and a big social circle, but you might still feel like shit.

The reason is the place that it's coming from: Do you truly feel inspired to make money? To be famous? To drive that Porsche 911 GT 3? Why?

Are you sure it isn't your ego? Trying to gain something?

But gaining is good, isn't it?

The reason I'm spamming you with questions here is because I want you to understand something: It doesn't matter what you do. Really, no one cares. If you are famous or no one knows you, it shouldn't affect who you are. It's always about the place it's coming from. Inspiration or desperation is key here.

So, what's next?

This topic is obviously too big for a blog post, so if this peaked your interested, I'll link you two blog posts further down that will help you get closer to this topic. On top of that, I have an opportunity for you.

Join us at our event at Greifensee to figure all of this out. We will look at strategies on how to define what is truly important to you, work on your purpose, challenge your beliefs and figure out the most important thing: What does truly matter in your life?

Use the code "Elev8Kimzo" for more, and get your ticket here:

Further Reading

A topic that builds on the one from today:

Purpose and Love
Hello friends, What is something that really makes you happy? It doesn’t matter if you think about something big like going on vacation, or some small thing like hugging your beloved ones: I’m sure you have a lot of moments in life that will give you a temporary happiness boost.

Follow the Unknown. Pretty epic mantra to live by.

Follow the unknown
Hello friends, The world is full of places to explore. You always see this cool vlogs of people going to some epic place, trying out something new, eating something crazy and seeing things you never thought existed. People traveling around the world. People showing their adventures. Adventures that they’ll remember

Thank you so much for reading today's blog post. Stay curious!

Much Love,
