(Mini?) Things will end.

(Mini?) Things will end.
Foto von NEOM auf Unsplash

Hello friends,

This blog post will hurt.

A few of you know that I have talked about my struggle with time already. It is very hard for me to accept that, but I don't have enough time for everything I want to do. I don't have enough time to write a weekly blog anymore if I want to pursue music, and I don't have enough time to work on everything I want.

I have an incredible amount of stress that I create myself. I never allow myself to rest because I try to do 100 different things in a week.

By trying to do it all, I can never achieve great progress in a short amount of time in every area: I'm improving 1% in 10 different areas.

My focus should be on two things right now, those being school and music. Those are the things that I feel like are the most important things to focus on right now.

My current problem is that I can't dedicate enough time to those two things. Therefore, I need to make myself more time.

Why am I telling you this?

I have decided to make my blog post irregular. I want to finish this first season (I'll just call it like that for now) of my blog posts within the next three weeks. There will be three more, epic blog posts, and probably the best ones I have in store. Then, the schedule will be irregular.

I know this might sound weird, but I feel sad letting go of this weekly blog post. But I feel like it's a necessary step.

Blog posts will be released when a blog post is finished. When I feel like sharing something valuable or cool, I will write to you. They will come, but you'll never know when.

I will keep you up to date as well. This website will change over time. Those blog posts will still be here, don't you worry. You can always reread them. This is my work, and my work should be available to everyone who is interested in it.

This website will change. The content will change. It will be more music focused, or whatever fits me personally the best. But my blog will stay the same, even tho it will change to an irregular schedule.

If you want to follow me and see what happens next, you can follow me on YouTube or Instagram. It will be quiet for those three weeks still. Then, let's take it from there.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIOcXMEYNKc

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kimzo2027/

And with all of that out of the way, I just want to thank you all for reading my blogs once again. We are a small community, but some people actually reached out to me, and it was sick talking to those few people. I even managed to indirectly get to a networking event because of that. I could make a lot of experiences, and this blog taught me discipline.

Let's enjoy the last three blog posts. They will be eye-opening.

Our Challenge

Take out a journal and ask yourself: Which activities aren't 100% benefitting your goals in the future? What are some time suckers in your life?

Ask yourself that, and then get rid of those time vampires.

My song of the week

Technically, it would still be “Faint” from Linkin Park, but that would be boring. And this will be my third Linkin Park song in a row, but my blog = my rules ;)

Further Reading

Probably the most underrated blog post I have to offer.

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My motto :)

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Thank you so much for reading today's blog post. I wish you an amazing week! And let's make the last three consistent one as good as humanly possible.

Much Love,


P.S. Let me know if you have some question via IG or Mail!